
80's Bluebird international &2 Amtrans |
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1998 Amtran RE T444E -used as a spare at the time of this photo.

1998 Amtran RE T444E -used as a spare at the time of this photo.

1998 Amtran RE T444E -used as a spare at the time of this photo.

1998 Amtran RE T444E -used as a spare at the time of this photo.

2000 AmTran
RE, T444E, New front end and paint job after accident.

2000 Amtran RE T444E - Used as a spare at the time of this

2001 Amtran RE T444E - Used as a spare at the time of this

2002 International RE T444E - Used as a spare at the time
of this photo.

2002 International RE, T444E









2009 IC CE 300 Maxxforce DT

2010 IC CE200 Maxxforce DT

2010 IC BE Special Needs bus

2011 IC CE Special Needs bus, Maxxforce DT


2011 IC CE 300, Maxxforce DT



North Syracuse Bus Line up |

#400- 1999 AmTran RE |
NSCSD Bus #449 & #457 |

2005 IC CEs |
