In the spirit that everyone can be a scientist, there are many ways to
contribute to the site:
Photos, videos, and audio recordings can be subitted providing they meet
the guidelines listed below.
Periodically, NYW will be conducting statewide wildlife surveys. Input from citizens
across the state is essential for the success of such studies. Check out Current Surveys for more info on how to participate in data collection.
Are you an expert in Entomology, Herpetology, Mammology, Ornithology, or Ichtheology?
We can't be an expert in everything, and occasionally we come across specimens that cannot be positively identified to the
species level. Check Unknown Specimens to take a crack at it.
to the Collection!
Because we cannot be everywhere at once, user
submissions are of great value to the site. However, in order to ensure the quality of specimens and the accuracy of data
they represent, there are a few guidelines that must be followed. Use of any submissions is up to the discretion of, and does not necessarily reflect the quality or our personal opinion about the submission.
should be of your own creation
must be from New York State.
Specimens must
be dated to at least the month and year of when they were collected. The more specific the better.
must be submitted with information about the location where they were found, (At minimum to the county level).
must clearly show the species of the animal. (Unless you find something like the Montauk monster.)
To email submissions, click the button below. Remember to include the date, location,
and how you would like to be credited (full name, initials, etc.) should we use your submission.
