Common Grackle
Quiscalus quiscula
Grackles are
black birds with iridescent (glossy, oily-looking) feathers. They are opportunistic
and intelligent foragers, and will devour anything from corn to crustaceans. Grackles are, for the most part, found year-round
throughout the state.
Preview (Click to enlarge)
Specimen # 174
Date: April 22, 2011
Location: Delmar, NY
Notes: At feeder.
Specimen # 243
Date: Late March, 2013
Location: Battery Park, NY
Notes: Thanks Dawn!
Specimen # 80
Date: June 6, 2009,
3:09 pm
Location: Chappaqua, NY
Notes: Appeared with another
grackle on numerous occasions.
Specimen #124
Date: August 29, 2010
Location: Somers, NY
Notes: Part of a larger flock,
notice molting feathers.