Canada Goose
Branta canadensis
Canada geese
are one of the most common and recognizable birds in the nation, which is impressive considering the birds were once known
only to breed in Canada. According to the NY Breeding Bird atlas, the number of areas reporting nesting geese increased
275% since the 1985 survey! They are now found across the state, with scattered populations in the Adirondacks.
Preview (Click to enlarge)
Specimen # 143
Date: November 11, 2010
Location: Bronx, NY
Notes: Flock of geese on the
Bronx River.
Specimen # 150
Date: March 12, 2011,
Location: Nyack, NY
Notes: With a group on the
Specimen # 151
Date: March 12, 2011,
Location: Nyack, NY
Notes: With a group on the
Specimen # 195
Date: July 30, 2011
Location: Seneca Falls, NY
Notes: At Montezuma- Appeared
larger than average.
Specimen # 37
Date: April 10, 2009
Location: Montrose, NY
Notes: Variation in cheek
patch size.
Specimen # 38
Date: April 10, 2009
Location: Montrose, NY
Notes: Hissed and walked away
when approached by people.
Specimen # 98
Date: July, 1995
Location: Milllwood, NY
Notes: Note yellow feet, coloration,
possible white-faced goose hybrid?
Specimen # 138
Date: September 18, 2010
Location: Ossining, NY
Notes: Pair with a bunch of
Specimen # 168
Date: April 19, 2011
Location: Irvington, NY
Notes: Note leg band.